From improving air quality to protecting your health, bamboo offers a sustainable alternative to period pads made from traditional materials (read: plastic). Here are our top reasons for using organic bamboo in our period range:
Fastest Growing Plant on Earth
According to Guinness World Records, some bamboo varieties can grow an astonishing 3 feet per day, making it the fastest-growing plant globally. This rapid growth allows for fast harvesting and regeneration, making it a highly renewable resource. Additionally, due to its rapid natural growth, bamboo doesn't require harmful pesticides. This means our bamboo pads are free from toxic chemicals.
Natural Air Purifier
Bamboo produces 35% more oxygen than other trees and absorbs significant amounts of greenhouse gases. Giant tropical bamboo can sequester 2 tonnes of CO2 in just 7 years, compared to a typical hardwood tree needing 40 years to sequester only 1 tonne. Choosing bamboo products contributes to a cleaner environment for everyone.
Better for Health
Bamboo fibres are naturally breathable and hypoallergenic, which means no irritation and discomfort during your period. Additionally, bamboo fibres possess natural antibacterial properties, helping with odour control.
Water Conservation:
Bamboo acts as a natural reservoir, storing large amounts of water in its roots and stems during rainy seasons. This stored water is then released back into the ground, replenishing rivers and streams, ultimately contributing to drought prevention. By choosing bamboo products, you're contributing to a more sustainable future for water resources.
Soil Protection:
Bamboo's robust root system helps to stabilise the soil, preventing landslides and soil erosion. These resilient roots, called rhizomes, can survive for over a century and enable bamboo to regenerate even after being cut or damaged by fire or storms.
Supporting Local Communities:
Bamboo production and processing create opportunities and support the livelihoods of local farmers, contributing to the preservation of traditional industries. Additionally, the lightweight nature of bamboo allows women to participate more actively in the industry, empowering them with a source of income.
So, the next time you choose your cycle care, consider the environmental and potential health benefits of opting for our bamboo range.